
"Get out of my dreams...

and into my car!" For those of you humming that tune right now, good luck getting ti out of your head!

Last night was AKO 80s Skate Night and what fun we had. When you look absolutely rediculous then the fun only increases! There is nothing like going around town in 80s clothes. The best reaction of the night was the Wal-Mart lady who barely let us get through the door before asking us what our attire was all about! So fun! If you think this is silly and we are just goofy girls, well I am not brave enough to attest to that b/c you could probably gather more witness for the prosecution then I for the defense, but to you I would say, try it! Have your own 80s_____night! It's fun!

This weekend Jonathan will be coming home with me! We have a great weekend planned and I am really excited! Pray that we have a safe trip- and that goes for everyone traveling!

For those of you still humming that song- try this one on for size!

Ooh, baby, do you know what that's worth?
Ooh heaven is a place on earth!!
They say in heaven love comes first,
We'll make heaven a place on earth!!
Ooh heaven is a place on earth!!

Be Blessed!!!


Anonymous said...


Kaios make me happy. As an 80s music aficionado, reading about your 80s skate party inserted like 20 of my favorite 80s songs in my head. Have a great Easter!

Anonymous said...

Stellar :)