
Stinkin' Cold

Well it's that time of year when everyone around you is getting sick. You always think that if you get a shot or if you take proper precautions that you won't get it, but alas, the inevitable will happen and you will get sick. If anyone goes through this winter and doesn't get sick let me know I will send you a "congratulations you didn't get sick" card (that I will make myself b/c Hallmark doesn't specialize in those). I am already a victim of this Winter Bug I'll call it (a cold).

Enough about that. Today at church Joe Almanza spoke. He is the new Community Outreach minister at Highland. It was amazing to hear his story! I can't believe that I am going to church with a former member of the San Antonio Almanza Mafia-Big time drug dealers! It's nuts! It was really good though. We also went to Russell Street today. This was the first time I have been able to go in the last month because I have been out of town every weekend. So it was nice to see everyone. Ryan, Ms. Maggie ask how you were doing. I told her you were fine I guess but that I hadn't talked to you in a while so I don't have much new information! Hint!!! Hint!!
Everyone on Russell is doing good it seems. There is a new family that moved into Rudy's house. There are like 800 of them so I don't think we have met them all yet.

Um other news...Valerie is here- my sister, for those that don't know who that is. She is funny! She flew up here. It was her first time on a plane so needless to say there have been some funny stories. My favorite goes something like this. "Well, we got on the plane and we started going up and I was thinking, 'Ok, that's high enough!'" She's cool, everyone should meet her.

Other News: It's been raining in Abilene for like 300 years now! Not that I am complaining but it would be nice not to drive home in the rain on Tuesday. I only have one class this week and it's on Tuesday morning, I think I am going to skip it though and go home early so I can have more time to spend with my nephew.

What else...Seems like there was something I was gonna say. OH! Wednesday night we had officer elections at club. You are reading the blog of the 2005 Alpha kai Omega (which will be abbreviated AKO so the club has decided) Secretary. I am so excited! It'll be WAY fun. My roommate Deanna is the new Historian so I am excited about that too.

I suppose that's all for now! Y'all have a great Thanksgiving and be safe! Call the people you haven't talked to in a while and update them on how things are going in Tennessee- or where ever you are! Be Blessed!!!


Jeremy said...

Hey Cuz

I never get sick, so you might as well send me the card now! No, for real, I feel like the guy from 'Unbreakable' - seen it? No broken bones, no childhood diseases, no chipped teeth...(where's the wood) What can I say, the glory belongs to God!

So um, I've been in Houston for three days and it has been raining ever since I was 30 minutes outside of Houston. Um, woah, did that sentence make sense?
Anyways, we just had a 'funnel cloud' pass over our heads.

GASP, Valerie, I miss that kid. Give her some love for me. Congrats on being the official and oh so great AKO blogger. Make em proud!

Wait! Was that whole Tennessee thing aimed at me! OOOH no, I'll fix that!


RPorche said...

The end of paragraph two is evidence that the Tennessee comment was definately referring to me.

Mandy said...

And so what are we going to do about this lack of communication?