Well, our group went to Mexico for Spring Break and I have come back more refreshed then I have been in a long time. It it less and less of a wonder to me as I get older, why Jesus went away to pray. Grant it, I wasn't in Mexico alone but there is something amazing about being in a different place with no distractions and the only thing on the agenda being to serve God in anyway.
I have learned a lot of lessons since graduation and I have avoided learning lessons as well. God worked on me in Mexico and to be perfectly honest he made it very clear some of the things I needed to see. People, conversations and observations were all injected with a huge dose of God and grace.
Just a taste of what we did in Mexico:
-Tripled the size of the Medical clinic
-Built a play scape
-Put a fence around the entire property
-Spread about a million piles of dirt (which is more work than it sounds like
-Poured a concrete floor for the part of the building we added on to
-Got up at 5:30 every morning :o)
All in all it was a wonderful trip and God really did some amazing things in my life and in the lives of those around me.
I want a life full of God. I want to be around people filled with his Spirit. I want to overflow the joy of the Lord to those who know me and even to those who don't. Praise God from who ALL blessings flow!
Enjoy the pictures!