
My Prayer

My prayer is to want to want what God wants.

Let it Snow!

Stuck in Abilene for one more day. It's snowing, the roads are icy and the temperature is only supposed to reach 30 degrees today. If I didn't have a paper to finish, I would plug in the Christmas tree, put on some Christmas music and dance and play all day! Everyone enjoy the last day of November!


Some Days

Some days are better than others. In my week, Tuesdays are long. Meetings all morning lunch with the staff which is always great conversation and fun. With all of the events of the day, I don't usually get to start working until 2ish. Seriously!

I say that to tell you this. Today was one of those days. Long and tiring. I feel the most exhausted when I haven't been productive all day. Today when we got back from lunch-remember this is around 2- I got on the phone with Dell because my computer wouldn't load my profile settings. That is bad news. I have two papers due in the next 15 days and all my stuff for them is on my laptop. So this one hour phone conversation ended with good news and bad news. Good news was we were able to restore my profile and I was able to access all of my files and get the stuff I need for my papers. The bad news is after I back up all of my files I have to reformat my harddrive. Lose everything by choice in order to gain full function of this machine back.

Craziness. I am fully aware that this post is less entertaining than usual. I'll try harder next time


Christmas Music

Since it has been the topic of a side conversation via the comment area of my blog, I'm gonna just go ahead and throw it out there. When is it ok to begin playing Christmas Music?

I originally went with Nov. 1. After Halloween is over it's time to get into the holiday spirit. Because the weather of our great state generally does not allow the seasons emotions to hit full force typically until after the holidays have past, I think the earlier the better. This in no way undermines Thanksgiving. Many people have persecuted and accused me of forgetting the holiday without chance to explain. Thanksgiving is part of the holiday season. Christmas music helps with Thanksgiving too. Really it does! Besides it's not like there are a lot of Thanksgiving songs out there to get you in the mood- if you know of any please submit them.

No matter. I have become aware of just how offensive this can be to people- playing music starting Nov. 1 that is. That said I have changed my idea of when I think it's ok. I now claim that It is ok to start playing Christmas music when all of the following three things happen.

1. When you see the first commercial selling Christmas decorations and accompanied by a Christmas song.

2. When you decide to get the Christmas decoration down while putting up the Halloween decorations because you don't want to get back in the attic.


3. When Sonic has switched over to the "Holiday Cup" which ever so sneak-i-ly advertises what a GREAT idea it is to give someone a My Sonic card for Christmas (which by the way is a great idea).

Considering these three things (and being immune to number 2)-I now deem it ok for myself to play as much Christmas music as I want!!!

Be Blessed!!!


Director's Spot Filled

So I might have a potential director for my movie. I am really thinking that someone needs to step up and decide to write my script because We need to get started making this movie if it's gonna come out in October.

Also, there have been no official commitments but I believe we may have a leading male actor as well.

Y'all have a great day and Be blessed!!!

(check out the new post MIRACLES)


I have been bothered by something lately. Miracles. We read about them in the Bible, we believe them because we have faith, we pray for them when people are sick, we pray for them people have "gone astray" and we even pray for them when people's spirits have been burned. If we don't believe it why do we pray for it?

I have come to see something for the first time concerning miracles. We believe it can happen BEFORE it does, we believe it happened when it's OVER but where the heck is our faith in the midst of it? I'm not talking about the sick person who over night seems to be getting better, it's easy to believe God is part of that because we can write it off if we need to. A miracle disguised in natural processes. I'm talking about the people pray specifically for someone to be free from a certain sin when there is no explanation as to why anyone should know about the sin in that persons life. I'm talking about the people who seem to always be in the right place at the right time to save people. I'm talking about believing what we pray for. Having an expectant faith.

If we would have an expectant faith, would we then be more of a people who see the bread breaking as the 5,000 are being fed, who see the footprints on top of the water as Jesus is walking out to us and who watch the woman at the well spread the word of Christ, or would be still be the people we are, who pray but do not believe until the result is showcased?

I don't know where I fall into all of this. I fear that skepticism has taken over expectation for far too long in my life. What I am finding now, is that in the midst of a miracle my passion for people to believe in Him and my desire to expect God to complete something he has started in the people I care about has fed my spirit in a way that fires me up about my faith! Our human nature drives us to the cynical prayers. No doubt those prayers will always be around but how long do we go on sitting and letting Satan jog around our faith, every now and then poking at it planting seeds of doubt and skepticism in our lass than expectant faith. I'm done with it. For now I will stand strong in the expectant faith God calls me to and I will have no doubt in my mind that God will fulfill his promises in my life. I will expect God to finish what he started.