

Just in case you are one of those folk who kindly protest award shows because you feel that those who receive the awards already get enough recognition by all the people of the world and there is no reason anyone should own a trophy that cost more than your house and car put together let me be the first (or maybe not) to inform you that Keifer Southerland and the crew of 24 went home happy. They took home two trophies (best actor in a drama series, and best drama series) that proudly proclaim that even though they killed off half the original crew in season 5 they can still maintain domination over the united states of america! Jack Bauer will remain number one. Chuck Norris better watch out. His place in history is being jeopardized as we speak!


The Government

I hope that our government is not as messed up as it in on 24. However, if it is I hope there's a real Jack Bauer out there.


Float Trip

We are taking our Jr's and Sr's on a float trip this weekend. If you think about it say a little prayer for our safety and for God to work through our encouragement of them this weekend.

Be Blessed!!!


Robbing God

Yesterday in staff meeting Allen read something that has stuck with me since then. I was a testament from a violin maker who claims that God needs him. He says, God has commissioned him to help Him buy giving him the ability to make violins. He also says that if he is not doing his best to make the violins then he is “robbing God.”

Have you ever thought about that? God has commissioned you. The gift he has given you is not just for you to enjoy. The gift is God asking you to help Him with His mission. What would it look like if we truly believed this statement: If we are not doing what it is God has given us to do, and doing it the best we can, we are robbing God. Wow! I do not want to rob God. I want to use the gifts that God has given me. I want to challenge the kids that I meet. I want them to reflect on their beliefs and I want them to make a faith of their own and if I am not striving to do that on a daily basis then I am no doing any favors to anyone, AND I am robbing God.

If I believe this, then how can I stand in the way of others who are using their gifts to glorify God? Who am I to tell you that you cannot do something that God has gifted you to do? Who am I to rob God for you?

Maybe I’m preaching, maybe not. Maybe you completely disagree with me. I don’t even know that my brain has completely thought through all of this but I do know that I do not want to rob God and I do not want anyone else to rob God because of me. Just thinking….


Summer is done before it's done

Well, school starts Monday for Belton ISD and I presume this start date is not too far off from those in your area. It's crazy that summer is already over and kids are now feeling the rush of finishing their summer reading in time and all that jazz. What I really don't get though it the fact that summer ends about two weeks before it actually ends. What I mean is, The band kids, football kids, swimmers and so on and so on actually start practices 2 weeks before school starts. What is with that? As if school isn't enough stress on it's own, let's go ahead and make the extra stuff longer! Whatever man! I'm out!


Although school is starting and people already feel like they are back we were able to have a great time with our high schoolers last Sunday evening. There is a girl in our group who is in the hospital from a car accident, in ICU, and we went up there and spent time talking with her mom and sister and then we sang and prayed with them. Now if you know me, you know my heart is easily touched by the words and melodies of songs and last Sunday was no different. As we were singing I was watching Sabrina (the mom), and I looked around the waiting room. The man watching TV got up, turned the TV all the way down and bowed his head. Maybe he was praying maybe he was just listening but either way he was hearing God. The two ladies in the corner were holding hands praying with each other and the family in the hall stopped in the doorway and joined in the singing. God was working and moving in people. I was great to be reminded of God supreme glory and everlasting faithfulness.


I have had a good week. We have been really busy this week but I have been encouraged by people this week. Lots of good conversations, lots of tough conversations but lots of God in all the conversations.

I want to mention one thing really quickly. Most of you know I am doing a Youth Residency in Belton Texas. I am living with a family from the church here and I don't think I have mentioned a whole lot about them. Let me take a sec to tell you about them. The Dad works up at the offices and does a great job of keeping things in order. He is the glue that holds things together around here. The mom stays at home and does a wonderful job of looking out for her family, for me and for all of her friends. I rarely meet people who are so proactive in their relationships with other people and it has been neat to watch her intentionally develop those this summer. The daughter is a a Jr.. in High School and she is lovin' life. She's one of the Drum Majors and has worked a lot of Band this summer. She has a great heart for people and to minister to people where she sees a need. God is going to use her in great ways these next two years I know. And The son. I don't even know where to begin. Most of you will understand the phrase "The little brother I always wanted." Well that's him. He keeps me on my toes that's for sure! I have enjoyed my time beating him up and such and I'm sure he has equally enjoyed pushing my buttons. No matter, he's a great kid! This family has been such a blessing to my life this summer and even though I will move out in a couple of weeks, I will still call it home, and it will always be in a way.

Be Blessed!!!



My brother has said some the the best things I can think of. He has a gift for talking before he thinks and that gift is put to great use in his attempts at story telling. It is not uncommon for Jeff to say things like:

"How do the deer know to cross there?" After seeing a deer crossing sign.

A gift.

This gift has had it's 15 minutes of fame in the past but I would venture to say that it was magnified to it fullest and thrown in the spotlight this last week.

Jeff and I were eating lunch together Monday while he was in Belton. He started talking about his teeth and told me he had a filling that fell out. As he wondered if fillings were lifetime guaranteed and if he could go back to the dentist and get another one without paying, I laughed a little bit understanding the desire for things to be done the right way the first time.

As he continued I heard something come out of my brother that I thought I would never hear. This is what he said.

"I would just like to go back to that dentist office and tell that guy, 'hey Mr., you gave me a bad filling years ago."

Now if you didn't laugh about that, go back and read it outloud. It's hilarious. If you still don't laugh at it then go look at the pictures on Ryan's blog of his new apartment because I got nothing left!

Have a great day and Be Blessed!!!