
Speeking of Crazy...

Mercy Me has this song called "Crazy" that they sing! The chorus goes like this:

I have not been called
To the wisdom of this world.
But to a God,
Who's calling out to me.
And even though the would may think
I'm losing touch with reality
It would be crazy,
To choose this world, over eternity.

Whoa! What an amazing perspective to take. Throwing off all that this world tries to drag you into. All the lies it tells you about how you look and who you should be in order to fit in and what you need to do for people to love you. It blows my mind when I think about how so very surrounded we are by the wisdom of this crazy world.

Help us to hear your call to a higher wisdom. Show us the way to your wisdom and dwell in us. Lord, guide our steps as we daily choose eternity. Fill our hearts with song and let our song ring loud and true for you God.

Be Blessed!!!



Whoa! That's a heavy word! It's Wednesday Night and that means 8th graders. Tonight was amazing. Heather and I were in charge of teaching tonight with me being mostly incharge b/c Heather is kinda shy. So I spent about an hour and a half today trying to figure out how we were going to talk to 8th graders about abortion. How would you do it? We tried to ease into it and with courage from above we were able to pull off a pretty challenging lesson. The discussion that we had with the girls during our split time in class really encouraged me and I think was really an encouragement to the girls. We talked about how important it is to act with love and compassion if you are ever put in a situation where abortion is an option for you or your friend.

8th graders are smarter than they get credit for. If you are interested in the lesson plan and the details of how we got 8th graders to talk about abortion call me- I would love to share. I can't take credit for it though because if God hadn't shown up tonight in obvious ways I don't think it would have gone over as smoothly as it did.

We also had a conversation with the girls about the recent Terri Schiavo case and what they thought. What a difficult situation to be a decision maker in. Who get's the right to decide if she lives or dies? Is it not God who times things in his perfect will? Where, then, is the line drawn in treatment and cruality? I don't know the answers. I am glad I am not making the decision but that doesn't halt the questions of ethics and morality.

Thank you God for guidence through tough issues like abortion. Thank you for speaking through the four of us tonight and for penatrating the hearts of the young people we work with.

God, be with us all as the stresses in our lives seem to be at a climax. Help us manage our time and focus our energy in the right places.


Be Blessed!!!

Crazy is the word of the week...

That's right, crazy! I don't know what's going on but I like it! Crazy!

I have found myself being overwhelmed with blessings from God lately and I just keep thinking, how can God care about me? Little ol' me? How come he cares so much to put things into my life like he has? I don't know why but I know that from this I have only become more confident in my God and his faithfulness to his people!

"Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see." Hebrews 11:1

"Faith is: Going, when you don't know where; Obeying, when you don't know why; Believeing, when you don't know how!" This quote is on my wall, it's one of my favorites. I don't know who said it but I do know that thats is how I feel. I don't know where God is leading me but I am on his path.

Lord, lead me to the place you want me to be. Open my heart and my ears to hear your voice, the voice of truth. Let my focus be on you. Amidst all the great things you are bringing into my life, remind me that they are from you.

Praise you Lord for the song of joy that my heart is playing over and over again. May it never stop.

Be Blessed!!!


Happy Higginbotham Day

This weekend was great! For some reflections on it see Jonathan's blog on the right but here are a few things I remember that he left out!

"You can do it...", CD sleve with a crazy guy with his arms by his head, Q, cross, waitress, Shopping with the Easter Bunny, man voice, 20 questions, guessing, Greased Lightening, arms up, arms falling down, arms up again, Red lights, Foosball come back of the century, confusing bathroom, LTC attack, cute girls singing, Hardy Boy skills, Jack in the Box, cute restrooms in Jonesboro, Kohl's, big blue water bottle, We Bow Down, singing from the balcony, and last but not least hum...

It was a great weekend and for real go read J-Hig's blog, it completes my thoughts!

Be Blessed!!!


"Get out of my dreams...

and into my car!" For those of you humming that tune right now, good luck getting ti out of your head!

Last night was AKO 80s Skate Night and what fun we had. When you look absolutely rediculous then the fun only increases! There is nothing like going around town in 80s clothes. The best reaction of the night was the Wal-Mart lady who barely let us get through the door before asking us what our attire was all about! So fun! If you think this is silly and we are just goofy girls, well I am not brave enough to attest to that b/c you could probably gather more witness for the prosecution then I for the defense, but to you I would say, try it! Have your own 80s_____night! It's fun!

This weekend Jonathan will be coming home with me! We have a great weekend planned and I am really excited! Pray that we have a safe trip- and that goes for everyone traveling!

For those of you still humming that song- try this one on for size!

Ooh, baby, do you know what that's worth?
Ooh heaven is a place on earth!!
They say in heaven love comes first,
We'll make heaven a place on earth!!
Ooh heaven is a place on earth!!

Be Blessed!!!


Above Suffering

Some of the best conversations happen late at night. I just go done talking to one of the coolest High Schoolers I know. What an amazing conversation. We talked about how learning about our parents past gives us a great respect for them. She said that her mom was so cool. She gets her funniness from her mom, her freckles and her spirituality from her mom. She said it gives her a greater respect for her mom knowing that she has risen about her sufferings.

I couldn't have said it better. We went from there and talked about how maybe, God allows situations like her moms to show us what Christ did for us. We, being simple- minded, people of little faith learn from situations like this, that Christ rose above sin and suffering and has provided us a way to God. The passion story is in our own lives. We can learn from our parents- who knew!

Have a great Monday!
Be Blessed!!!


This was actually taken AFTER the rascal Flatts concert. When we got home no one was awake so we figured out how to use the timer on mom's cool camera and snapped this one ourselves
 Posted by Hello

Me and De before the Kenny Chesney concert! Posted by Hello

Here's is the picture from before Keith Urban! Posted by Hello


Never Cease to be Amazed

Last night in the 8th grade class at Highland, we talked about Thunder Storms. We started by defining the word "awe" and making a list of things about that make us stand in awe of God. We got the typical thing, creation, answered prayers, etc. And then we got an answer that amazed me. One of our 8th grade guys said "I stand in awe of God most, when he gives me a peace that allows me to have no doubt about his existence." How cool is that. What a feeling to be so confident at such a young age. Amazing.

We continued class by transitioning into Thunder Storms and how AWEsome they are. We used this topic to make a group list of thunder storms that we go through or that our friends go through. Again we got typical answers, lying, peer pressure etc. but a couple of answers really stood out to me. Guilt and Depression. To be struggling with guilt and/or depression in the 8th grade is so hard for me to fathom. I am really looking forward to tackling a few of these topics in the last 5 weeks we have with these amazing kids!

On a different note: Ms. Maggie has been sick and is going to the doctor today. Please keep her in your prayers. She is old and her health seems to be failing before our eyes.

One last thing. Here are the words to a song that I heard last night for the first time in a very long time. I love the words to the chorus and I pray that these words bless and encourage you as they have me today.

Why I would I spend my life longing
for the day that it would end..
Why would I spend my time pointing
to another man..
Isn't that crazy

How can I find hope in dying,
with promises unseen..
How can I learn your way is better
In everything I'm taught to be..
Isn't that crazy

I have not been called
to the wisdom of this world..
But to a God
who's calling out to me..
And even though the world may think
I'm losing touch with reality
It would be crazy
To choose this world over eternity

And if I boast let me boast
Of filthy rags made clean
And if I glory let me glory
In my Savior's suffering
Isn't that crazy

And as I live this daily life I
trust you for everything
And I will only take a step
When I feel You leading me
Isn't that crazy

I have not been called
to the wisdom of this world..
But to a God
who is calling out to me..
And even though the world my think
I'm losing touch with reality
It would be crazy
To choose this world over eternity

Be Blessed!!!


A Broken Road leads to a Better Half with a Sexy Tractor!

I know I know! That was a sorry attempt to introduce my spring break but hey, it's me! My roommate and I went to Houston and spent 3 nights hangin' out with cowboys and country music stars. For those interested it was Keith Urban, Kenny Chesney and Rascal Flatts. Also let me take this opportunity to clarify that when I say "hang out with" I am using that term loosely. It was a lot of fun- if you want to know more about it, this would be a good reason to call me! YAY!

Today being back at school was unusually good. Although thoroughly exhausted I enjoyed class for the most part and had a blast playing our first intramural softball game this evening. We won by the way 10-6. It was fun. My good buddy Jonathan was the best fan there! Thanks for comming pal! Then after an hour and a half in the library, I enjoyed two great phone conversations with my beautiful friend Heather and my goofy Tennessee buddy Ryan. God is good!

Well, the general consensus is that there should be a spring break to recover from spring break! Who am I to argue with the general consensus, on that note I yield the floor to discussion spring break! How was you're spring break, or for those of you on a normal schedule, what are you plans for spring break?


Test Time!!

It's that time of year! Test! Tuesday: Prophetic Lit. Test-finished! Wednesday: Exegesis paper due-finished, turned in! Thursday: Greek Test #2-Pray for me! Friday: Intro to World Evangelization-shouldn't be that bad but still pray!

What a week, and yet, no stress, no feeling overwhelmed, just a simple peace. Some of that is from being prepared but I attribute most of it to God. He is faithful and good!

A little update on the last blog, my friend is doing better. She is doing a lot of self reflection and realizing a lot of things that we knew but she had to figure them out for herself; the most obvious of these is over analyzation-she said that she thinks she overanalyzes! Praise God for his divine intervention in this! Maybe now she will be able to accept the absolute truths!

Have a great week! Be Blessed!!!