
A State of Confusement!!!

It's a word I assure you. Being in a state of "confusement" is basically being confused but as it would refer to a state of mind. Ms. Music, my high school choir teacher, coined this phrase and to be perfectly honest it is a great phrase. This is how I feel right now. I don't really know what to think. My heart says one thing and my mind says another. This conflict is driving me nuts! Keep me in your prayers!

Outside the state, things are pretty normal. Went to Alvin this weekend. Jeff and April brought Ty to see the family so it was nice to have everyone there. As much as I love babies, I am really glad that Ty goes home with Jeff and April. What a huge responsibility to have a kid. I can't imagine having one at this time in my life. Kudos to Jeff and April. Church is going good. Mark Wofford led singing this morning and it was awesome. He has such a gift.

The drive today was long. The same "CMT Top 20 countdown USA" was on every station so I heard the same song like 387 times. I resorted to talk radio but that was a short lived victory for my father, sorry dad. I just can't sit there and listen to two angry men talk politics for more then 10 minutes.

I got home at about 11:15 and it's 11:41 now and I think I am gonna go to bed! Keep me in your prayers, and Hugh too. Thanks!

Have a great Monday and Be Blessed!!!


Things Change

Things change. Sometimes very quickly. Some of you know exactly what I am talking about others don't. No matter, everyone's life will change, maybe in minutes, maybe days maybe months or years. It'll happen though. When it does remind yourself that God is good, you'll be ok and that you are beautiful! And you are; beautiful that is.

Other news: My lesson last week went very well. Me and Deanna did ours on the same day and our professor told us that our lessons have raised the bar for the rest of them. That's cool.

I am going home for fall break this weekend. I can't wait to see my room, my mom took over!
Pray for everyone that will be traveling. ACU has been through enough tragedies this semester already so if we could have an uneventful weekend that would rock!

Hope you all have had a good week so far! Be Blessed!!


What time is it?

Well, friends, I know it has been seriously a week since I last blogged and I apologize for that but I have been busy. This weekend was great. Got to spend time with my boyfriend. This was the last weekend until Thanksgiving that I got to see him so we had a ton of fun. We went to chapel Friday and to the musical Friday night with hugh's cousin and one of her friends. Played a whole game of monolopy, and yours truly won- but I still love ya babe :o) I think I just got lucky b/c he is certainly a better player then me. Anyway. Saturday I went to Alpha kai breakfast and then came home and we went to the parade. That was neat. Our girls had the best float that AkaiO has ever had. We even won a prize, "Best Use of Purple" WooHoo!!! After that we hung out with Ashley and Aldon at the house for a while then when they left we watched TV and both ended up falling asleep in the living room. We ate pizza for lunch then Hugh took off so he could get back to Lubbock and get some stuff done this weekend. What a great boyfriend!

Sunday I missed church. I know I know! I did figure out that if you set your alarm but don't turn it on, it won't go off. Needless to say, I will be turning my alarm on for sure from now on.

What else happened this weekend? Oh, Deanna and I went and saw the musical Sunday afternoon so I missed neighborhood walking which I am really sad about b/c I will be out of town the next three weekends :o( I will be praying for them though.

Today I got up and got ready for chapel. It was pretty good today. Then I came home, finished my papers for tomorrow, registered for classes and all the jazz and then went to tutor at Colonial. That always brightens my day! It was meant to be just for this semester but I am really considering doing it in the spring too. Depends on what my schedule looks like.

And so goes life. I talked to one of my dear friends on AIM earlier this afternoon. I hadn't chatted with him in a while so that was a good talk. Just wish I had had more time. Oh well.

Life is good. Hugh and I are reading in Genesis right now and it is really interesting all the ironies we have come across. One that I found really interesting, and typical of females- not to stereotype us or anything but, Sarah tells Abraham to sleep with Hagar and then blames Abraham for all the despise Hagar has for Sarah. Just thought that was interesting.

You guys know of any ironic Genesis stories?

Have a great week and Be Blessed!!!


A Chance Worth Taking

That's the title of my object lesson that I am presenting tomorrow. I am excited about it but a little bit anxious about how everyone will act. I say that because we are presenting our lessons to a room full of college students that are suppose to be acting like a room full of Jr. High students and Jr. Highers can be pretty cruel sometimes, especially 20-23 year old Jr. Highers. I think it will go well though. I'll let you know!

This weekend was great! Very relaxing! Hugh and I went to grub Friday night and that was so fun! I always love seeing everyone dressed up. There were some very creative costumes. Hugh and I were a jailer and a 'get out of jail free' card. There was also a heads up, seven up costume and a barrel of monkeys costume which, I kid you not, could probably have held 3-4 girls in it! It was great!! Saturday we literally did nothing but watch TV and movies and eat! That was the relaxing part. Then Sunday was church and hangin' out until I went to work and Hugh went back.

Today, reality met me face to face. I have three test this week and this presentation tomorrow and I don't really want to do any of them. I guess that's life. I will be glad when this week is over, even though next week doesn't look any more promising then this one. Next week I have a project due, a paper due and a book report due! YES!!! Praise God for school!!!

Anyway. I need to get back to studying for all these wonderful, exciting test! Love y'all!

Be Blessed!!!


Greek! Greek! Greek!

It is time once more for a Greek test. If you'll allow me to step up onto my soap box for a moment I will dispense my feelings towards Greek! I hate it! I'm glad I'm learning it and when I actually translate a sentence right or parse something right I get super happy. But those time, as joyous as they are, are few and far between. Test are the worst because you don't have the charts infront of you. With the chart it would be so much easier and I would probably do a lot better. I tried to talk my prof. Into letting us use the chart on our next test but the attempt failed and ended in laughter. Not just a little chuckle but a "I can't believe you really just ask me that" kind of laughter. I am finished.

I hope that everyone has a great weekend! Alpha kai Grub is this weekend and I am totally pumped. My boyfriend is coming into town for it! It'll be fun!

SPEAKING of my boyfriend. They were supposed to go to Colorado next weekend to sing but that trip got cancelled so it looks like just maybe he will get to come back and do the whole Homecoming thing with me. That'll be fun!! I would go back to Lubbock that weekend, b/c I really like it there, but I have obligations to club for Saturday.

Anyway! I gotta get back to studying for my Greek test! Love ya!

Be Blessed!!!


Paradise in the....Desert!

Well, it's not quite Paradise as we envision it, nor would I say that it is really a desert but in Lubbock Texas there is a lot of sand, a lot of cotton, a lot of flatness and a lot of fun! This weekend I went to Lubbock to see my boyfriend and for homecoming weekend/parents weekend. It was so much fun. I love all of the people I met. The director of Best Friends, Warren, is totally a guy that I would put in my box. Everything was great. The Admissions people, who sponsor Best Friends, are awesome, the campus is really pretty and Best Friends sounds awesome. I'll let y'all know when their CD comes out so everyone can buy it. They aren't recording until December though so it will be a while.

I loved Lubbock! Hugh and I had a lot of fun this weekend with his parents and all of the homecoming events. Today we went to church at South Plains early service-8:00A.M.- and then to breakfast with his parents. After that we went and hung out at the Simons house for a while- for you Alvin folk that know them, they are doing great! After that we went shopping at Old Navy and got my boyfriend some winterish clothes and I must say, he looks hot in his new clothes! Still got the wranglers though, he'll always be a cowboy! ;o) I love cowboys! Then we ate lunch at the park and then I left. It was a great weekend!

This week of school is going to slow down a little bit I think. I have a test on Thursday in my Af. Am. in Restoration class. That should be interesting. Other than that things are pretty lite this week.

I hope that everyone's weekend was as great as mine! Have a wonderful week and Be Blessed!!!


What a day!

Today was overall a good day. I feel like most of my days are good days when I reflect at the end of the day. It's a blessing from God to have another day, another good day. Despite the news of Meg's dad passing away this morning after a 10 year struggle with liver problems, and being super busy this afternoon God has given me reason to smile over and over again today. Everything is set for me to go to Lubbock this weekend and see Hugh in Best Friends' first performance-totally pumped about that. I have a paper due in Greek on Wednesday over a book that I am reading titled "Using New Testament Greek in Ministry." It should be a pretty easy paper, mostly opinion- and I have one of those, ask mom and dad. The hard part will be getting the book read. I really just want to sit and do nothing, but alas, no time for that.

Sorry this is such a short post but, as mention a few lines above, I have to read. I hope everyone has a great week!

Be Blessed!!!